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Brand Research
Brand Research

Brand Research

Brand research is the systematic study of a brand’s perception, performance, and impact, primarily important for understanding consumer sentiment, improving brand strategy, and maintaining brand relevance in the market.

In the modern business environment, competition has become increasingly stiff due to the continuous entry of new players into the market. Therefore, understanding the intricacies of one’s brand and how it resonates with consumers is crucial for survival and growth. This underlines the importance of Brand Research in the wider scope of market research. This article aims to unpack the concept of brand research, its techniques, applications, real-life examples, challenges, and future prospects, emphasizing its crucial role in market research.

Importance of Brand Research

While market research provides a general understanding of the market and consumer behavior, brand research narrows down this focus, zeroing in on how a brand is perceived in the market. It looks at how the brand’s core attributes, its image, and messaging resonate with the existing and potential customers. Here’s why brand research is indispensable:

  • Identification and Understanding of Target Audience: Brand research helps identify who the brand’s core audience is, what they value, and how they interact with the brand. This allows businesses to tailor their products, services, and communication strategies to meet the needs and preferences of this audience.
  • Competitive Differentiation: By conducting brand research, businesses can understand how their brand is perceived in comparison to their competitors. This can reveal unique selling propositions and areas where the brand can differentiate itself to gain a competitive edge.
  • Brand Health Tracking: Brand research can be conducted periodically to track the health of a brand over time. It can measure the brand’s performance, track changes in brand perception, and highlight areas that need improvement.
  • Risk Management: Brand research can help identify potential risks to the brand’s reputation. It can provide early warnings about issues that could negatively impact the brand if not addressed proactively.

Brand research can enhance the overall performance of a company. It is a strategic tool to defend and optimise a brand’s position in a highly competitive market.

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Understanding Brand Research

In the complex web of market research, brand research stands as a fundamental component. In essence, it helps businesses understand how their brand resonates with customers, serving as a guide to navigate market trends and consumer preferences effectively.

Definition of Brand Research

At its core, brand research refers to the systematic process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data about a brand’s performance, image, and market position. This research helps evaluate how the brand is perceived in the marketplace, how it stacks up against competitors, and how effectively it communicates its values and mission to its target audience.

The insights gleaned from brand research serve multiple purposes, including:

  • Guiding the development of new products and services that align with the brand’s values and target audience’s expectations.
  • Shaping the brand’s marketing and communication strategies.
  • Identifying potential areas of improvement in the brand’s existing strategy.
  • Assessing the impact of rebranding or brand extensions on the target audience.

Historical Overview of Brand Research

The concept of brand research has its roots in the mid-20th century, during the era of mass media advertising. Brands realized that merely producing quality products wasn’t enough; understanding how their brand was perceived became increasingly important in a crowded marketplace.

Over the years, brand research methodologies have evolved, keeping pace with changes in technology, media, and consumer behavior. From traditional methods like surveys and focus groups, brand research now encompasses digital methodologies such as social media analytics and online consumer behavior tracking. Despite these advancements, the core goal remains unchanged: to understand and improve how a brand connects with its audience.

The Role of Brand Research in Market Research

While market research broadly encompasses understanding market dynamics, brand research offers a more targeted approach. It is like a specialized subset of market research focusing solely on a brand’s standing and perception within that market.

Key roles of brand research in market research include:

  • Understanding Customer Perception: Brand research helps in gauging how customers perceive and feel about a brand. It identifies the strengths and weaknesses of a brand in the eyes of its target audience.
  • Brand Performance Tracking: Brand research plays a pivotal role in tracking a brand’s performance over time, monitoring shifts in brand perception, and measuring the effectiveness of branding strategies.
  • Competitor Analysis: It facilitates understanding where the brand stands vis-à-vis its competitors. It reveals opportunities for differentiation and understanding competitive threats.
  • Guiding Strategic Decisions: Brand research provides valuable insights to guide various strategic decisions, such as entering new markets, launching new products, or repositioning the brand.

What is brand research and how does it work? – by Kayla (10m:33s)

Techniques of Brand Research

Effective brand research hinges on the appropriate selection and application of various research techniques. These methods are often chosen based on the brand’s specific objectives and the nature of the information required. Below, we explore the broad categories of brand research methods: qualitative, quantitative, and digital.

Overview of Brand Research Methods

Brand research methodologies are typically classified into three main types, depending on the kind of data they collect and analyze: qualitative, quantitative, and digital methods.

  1. Qualitative Methods: These techniques seek to understand the ‘why’ behind consumer behaviors and attitudes towards the brand. They offer in-depth insights into customer perceptions and motivations.
  2. Quantitative Methods: These techniques aim to quantify data and apply statistical analysis. They help measure consumer behaviors, attitudes, and perceptions, often on a large scale.
  3. Digital Methods: These techniques leverage digital technologies to collect and analyze data. They provide insights into online customer behavior and sentiment towards the brand.

Let’s delve deeper into each category.

Qualitative Methods in Brand Research

Qualitative brand research methods focus on understanding the subjective, often complex aspects of consumer perception and interaction with the brand. These methods can provide rich, detailed insights that go beyond what can be captured through numerical data alone.

In-depth Interviews

In-depth interviews involve one-on-one conversations between a researcher and a participant. The interviewer follows a semi-structured guideline but allows the conversation to flow naturally, enabling the discovery of nuanced insights about the brand. Key benefits of in-depth interviews include:

  • Gaining a deep understanding of a participant’s perceptions, feelings, and experiences with the brand.
  • The ability to explore topics in detail and follow up on interesting points.
  • Uncovering complex decision-making processes that affect brand preference.

Focus Groups

A focus group is a moderated discussion among a small group of participants. The group setting encourages participants to interact and discuss their perceptions, opinions, beliefs, and attitudes about the brand. Benefits of focus groups include:

  • Generation of a broad range of ideas and opinions in a relatively short time.
  • Observation of group dynamics, which can often reveal interesting insights about brand perception.
  • The ability to probe deeper into responses, leading to rich qualitative data.


Ethnographic research involves observing consumers in their natural environment to understand how they interact with a brand’s products or services in their everyday lives. It offers insights into:

  • Real-world usage behaviors and contexts that may not emerge in interviews or focus groups.
  • Unarticulated needs or pain points that influence brand perception and choice.
  • Deep cultural or social factors that shape brand interactions.

Quantitative Methods in Brand Research

Quantitative brand research methods focus on collecting and analyzing numerical data. These methods are ideal for testing hypotheses, tracking changes over time, or understanding the prevalence of certain attitudes or behaviors.


Surveys involve gathering data from a large sample of the target audience using a structured questionnaire. They can be conducted online, over the phone, or face-to-face. Surveys help to:

  • Measure consumer attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors towards the brand.
  • Gauge brand awareness and recall.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of branding or marketing campaigns.


Experimental research involves manipulating one variable to understand its effect on another. In the context of brand research, this could mean testing different branding elements (like logo designs or taglines) to see how they affect brand perception. Experiments can help:

  • Identify causal relationships between different branding elements and consumer reactions.
  • Test the potential impact of changes to the brand’s image or marketing strategy.

Observational Studies

Observational studies involve systematically observing consumers’ behavior either in a natural or controlled setting. This method can provide insights into actual (rather than self-reported) behaviors relating to the brand. Benefits include:

  • Understanding the real-world consumer interaction with the brand.
  • Observing behaviors that consumers may not report in surveys or interviews.
  • Uncovering unexpected behaviors or usage situations that can inform branding strategy.

Digital Methods for Brand Research

With the rise of the digital age, brand research has expanded into the online sphere. These methods leverage digital technologies to gather and analyze data about consumers’ online behavior and sentiments towards the brand.

Social Media Analysis

Social media analysis involves analyzing data from social media platforms to understand public opinion about the brand. This can include analyzing the sentiment of comments, shares, likes, and mentions. This method offers:

  • Real-time feedback on brand perception.
  • Insights into trending topics or issues related to the brand.
  • A broad, unfiltered view of consumer sentiment.

Online Surveys and Questionnaires

Online surveys and questionnaires allow researchers to collect data from a broad audience at a relatively low cost. They can be used to gather data on a wide range of topics, including brand awareness, brand perception, and customer satisfaction. Benefits include:

  • The ability to reach a large and diverse audience.
  • Quick collection and analysis of data.
  • Easy incorporation of multimedia elements to engage respondents.

Digital Ethnography

Digital ethnography involves observing and interacting with consumers in online environments, like social media platforms, forums, and virtual reality. This method can provide insights into:

  • How consumers interact with the brand online.
  • The role of the brand in consumers’ digital lives.
  • Online cultural trends that influence brand perception.

Exploring the Versatility of Online Surveys in Brand Research

In the digital age, online surveys have emerged as invaluable tools for brand research, offering a versatile and cost-effective means to understand, evaluate, and enhance your brand’s position in the market. Here, we’ll explore the multifaceted applications of online surveys in the realm of brand research.

  1. Measuring Brand Awareness and Recognition
    Online surveys allow you to gauge the level of awareness and recognition your brand enjoys within your target audience. By asking questions like “Have you heard of our brand?” or “Can you recognize our logo?” you can assess how effectively your branding efforts have penetrated the market.
  2. Assessing Brand Perception
    Understanding how consumers perceive your brand is fundamental to brand research. Surveys can be tailored to probe respondents’ perceptions, asking questions such as “What words come to mind when you think of our brand?” or “How do you perceive our brand in terms of quality and value?”
  3. Evaluating Brand Loyalty and Satisfaction
    Loyal customers are the lifeblood of any brand. Online surveys can help you measure brand loyalty and customer satisfaction. By asking questions like “How likely are you to recommend our brand to others?” or “On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with our products/services?” you can gauge the strength of customer relationships.
  4. Identifying Brand Advocates and Detractors
    Online surveys can unearth brand advocates who are enthusiastic about your products or services, as well as brand detractors who may have had negative experiences. By identifying these groups, you can tailor your marketing strategies to nurture advocates and address detractors’ concerns.
  5. Exploring Competitive Analysis
    In addition to evaluating your brand’s performance, surveys can be used to gain insights into your competitors. Questions like “What do you like/dislike about our competitors?” or “How do we compare to similar brands in the market?” can provide valuable competitive intelligence.
  6. Product and Service Development
    Online surveys can serve as a testing ground for new products or services. You can gather feedback on potential offerings, pricing strategies, and features to align them with customer preferences and needs.
  7. Brand Messaging and Communication
    Effective communication is key to building a strong brand. Surveys can help you assess the impact of your brand messaging and advertising campaigns. Ask questions like “Which of our advertisements do you recall?” or “What messages resonate most with you?” to fine-tune your messaging strategy.
  8. Tracking Brand Performance Over Time
    Online surveys are dynamic tools that allow you to track changes in brand perception and customer sentiment over time. By conducting regular surveys, you can identify trends and adapt your brand strategy accordingly.
  9. Segmentation and Targeting
    Surveys can help you segment your audience based on demographics, preferences, and behaviors. This enables you to tailor marketing efforts to specific customer segments, making your brand more relevant and appealing.
  10. Crisis Management
    In times of crisis or negative publicity, online surveys can be deployed to gauge the impact on your brand’s reputation and customer sentiment. This data can inform crisis management strategies and help in brand recovery efforts.
Versatility of Online Surveys in Brand Research

Applications of Brand Research

The various techniques of brand research enable businesses to generate deep insights into their brand’s positioning, performance, and perception. But how do these insights translate into practical applications? This section outlines the numerous ways brand research can be applied to drive strategic decisions, mitigate risks, and promote growth.

Brand Strategy Development

One of the most significant applications of brand research is in the development of a brand strategy. A well-researched strategy provides a roadmap for the brand’s future, outlining how the brand will establish and maintain a unique presence in the market.

Brand research informs strategy development by:

  • Identifying the Brand’s Unique Value Proposition (UVP): Brand research can highlight what makes a brand distinctive from its competitors and why customers choose it over others. This UVP becomes a central element of the brand’s identity and messaging.
  • Segmenting the Market: By understanding different customer attitudes and behaviors, brand research can help businesses segment their market and identify the most profitable and relevant target audiences.
  • Guiding Brand Positioning: Insights from brand research can reveal how a brand should position itself in the market to resonate with its target audience and stand out from competitors.

Product Development and Innovation

Brand research can also significantly contribute to product development and innovation. It provides a deep understanding of what consumers want, need, and expect from a brand’s products or services.

This research aids in:

  • Identifying Unmet Needs: Qualitative methods like in-depth interviews and focus groups can reveal unmet needs or pain points that the brand’s current offerings do not address.
  • Testing New Concepts: Before launching a new product or service, brand research can test how well the concept aligns with the brand and whether it resonates with the target audience.
  • Evaluating Product Performance: Post-launch, brand research can assess how well the product is performing and whether it lives up to customer expectations.

Marketing and Communications

A brand’s marketing and communication strategies play a crucial role in shaping how it is perceived. Brand research helps ensure these strategies effectively convey the brand’s identity and value proposition.

Practical applications of brand research in this domain include:

  • Creating Customer Personas: Based on insights about the target audience, brand research can help create detailed customer personas. These personas guide the development of tailored marketing and communication strategies.
  • Crafting Brand Messages: Brand research can inform the creation of brand messages that accurately reflect the brand’s values, resonate with the target audience, and differentiate the brand from competitors.
  • Choosing Marketing Channels: By understanding where the target audience spends time and how they consume information, brand research can guide the selection of the most effective marketing channels.

Crisis Management and Risk Mitigation

Brand research can play a proactive role in crisis management and risk mitigation by identifying potential threats to the brand’s reputation.

  • Identifying Reputation Risks: Regular brand health tracking can flag potential issues that could harm the brand’s reputation if not addressed.
  • Informing Crisis Response: If a crisis does occur, brand research can inform the response strategy by revealing how the crisis has impacted brand perception and what the brand can do to rebuild trust.

Brand Evolution and Growth

Finally, brand research supports a brand’s evolution and growth by informing strategic decisions and tracking progress over time.

  • Planning Brand Evolution: Brand research can identify when it’s time for a brand to evolve – perhaps the market has changed, or the brand’s image no longer resonates with consumers.
  • Tracking Brand Equity: Over time, brand research can track changes in brand equity – the value derived from consumer perception of the brand. This provides an ongoing measure of the brand’s strength and the effectiveness of its strategies.

From strategy development to risk mitigation, the applications of brand research are vast. As we explore real-life examples in the following section, the profound impact of brand research on a brand’s success will become even clearer. Through these examples, we will see how brands have harnessed the power of brand research to navigate their journey in the competitive business landscape.

Case Studies: Brand Research in Action

These real-world examples of brand research showcase the vital role it plays in guiding strategic decision-making, informing branding initiatives, and driving business growth. Each case study reveals how a specific brand leveraged brand research techniques to enhance its position, address consumer needs, and measure its performance.

Case Study 1: Revamping Coca-Cola’s Brand Strategy

Coca-Cola, the world’s leading beverage company, provides an excellent example of how brand research can inform a successful brand strategy revamp.

In the mid-1980s, Coca-Cola noticed a decline in market share and attributed this to the taste of their product. They conducted a series of blind taste tests called the “Pepsi Challenge,” which revealed that consumers preferred the taste of Pepsi over Coca-Cola. Consequently, they decided to change their 99-year-old recipe and introduced “New Coke”.

However, this move resulted in a public outcry. Loyal customers were disgruntled about the change, leading to a significant PR crisis. The company realized their mistake: they had focused on the functional aspect (taste) and overlooked the emotional attachment customers had to the original Coca-Cola.

Coca-Cola quickly conducted brand research to understand consumer sentiment. The research revealed that consumers viewed Coca-Cola not just as a beverage, but as a part of their identity and tradition. Responding to these insights, the company reintroduced the original formula as “Coca-Cola Classic,” an action that was warmly welcomed by its customers.

This incident prompted Coca-Cola to reshape its brand strategy, focusing on the emotional connection and the sense of nostalgia associated with their brand, rather than just the product’s taste.

Key Takeaway: Coca-Cola’s experience underscores the importance of qualitative brand research in understanding the emotional connection consumers have with a brand – a factor that can significantly influence brand strategy.

Case Study 2: Airbnb’s Rebranding Journey

Airbnb, a popular online marketplace for lodging and tourism experiences, leveraged brand research for a comprehensive rebranding initiative.

In 2014, Airbnb decided to revamp its brand identity to reflect its evolving services and mission. The company embarked on a brand research project that involved interviewing employees, hosts, and guests to understand their experiences and perceptions.

The research showed that Airbnb was not just a platform to book accommodations but a way for people to “belong anywhere” by having unique, localized experiences. This insight became the basis for Airbnb’s rebranding strategy. They introduced a new logo, known as the “Bélo,” symbolizing belonging, and revamped their website and app to emphasize personal, local travel experiences over mere accommodations.

Despite some initial controversy over the new logo design, the rebranding was largely successful in repositioning Airbnb as a promoter of local and personal travel experiences.

Key Takeaway: Airbnb’s rebranding case demonstrates how brand research can provide critical insights for a successful rebranding strategy, helping the brand to resonate better with its target audience’s values and expectations.

Case Study 3: LEGO’s Product Innovation

LEGO, the renowned toy manufacturing company, offers a compelling example of how brand research can drive product innovation.

In the early 2000s, LEGO was facing a financial crisis. They had diversified into various product lines and themes, but many of these new ventures were unsuccessful. Realizing they had strayed from their core audience – children who enjoyed the creative play offered by traditional LEGO bricks – the company turned to brand research.

LEGO conducted extensive qualitative research, observing how children across different cultures played with toys. They found that children gain a sense of pride and achievement from the creative process of building something complex.

These insights led to a significant shift in LEGO’s product strategy. The company returned its focus to the classic brick sets and introduced new products that encouraged creativity and complex building, like the LEGO Technic and Architecture series.

This shift proved to be a massive success, helping LEGO recover from its financial woes and regain its position as one of the world’s leading toy manufacturers.

Key Takeaway: LEGO’s turnaround story illustrates the value of brand research in identifying consumer needs and informing product development – a move that can lead to substantial business growth.


Brand research stands as an essential pillar in a brand’s journey from conception to success, guiding its path through an often complex and unpredictable marketplace. As we’ve explored throughout this article, brand research is more than just a collection of data. It is a strategic process that allows brands to gain a deep understanding of their market environment, target audience, and their unique positioning.

The real-world case studies of Coca-Cola, Airbnb, and LEGO have shown us that brand research’s value extends beyond theoretical concepts. These are brands that have utilized research to make crucial decisions, shape their strategies, and ensure their relevance and success in a rapidly evolving marketplace.

As we look to the future, we see a landscape of opportunities defined by technology and a heightened focus on customer-centricity. Brand research, in its evolving form, is set to harness these advancements, offering brands an even deeper level of understanding about their customers and the market dynamics.

In a world where competition is fierce and consumer preferences shift rapidly, effective brand research can provide the insights necessary for a brand to distinguish itself, resonate with its audience, and thrive. The road to brand success can be challenging, but with brand research as a guide, it becomes a journey of informed decision-making, impactful strategies, and sustained growth.

Learn about further Applications and Uses of Online Surveys


What is brand research?

Brand research is a process that involves collecting and analyzing data about a brand's market, competition, target audience, and overall performance. It helps in understanding the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for a brand and guides strategic decision-making.

Why is brand research important?

Brand research is crucial for making informed decisions about brand positioning, product development, marketing strategies, and customer engagement. It helps brands understand their target audience's needs, perceptions, and behaviors, thereby allowing them to deliver products and services that meet those needs and resonate with their audience.

What are some common methods used in brand research?

Common methods used in brand research include surveys, focus groups, interviews, observational studies, social listening, and competitor analysis. The choice of method depends on the research objectives and the resources available.

How is technology changing brand research?

Technology is introducing new ways to conduct and analyze brand research. Artificial intelligence and machine learning can analyze large volumes of data, including unstructured data from social media. Predictive analytics can forecast future consumer behavior, and virtual and augmented reality can provide immersive environments for product testing and brand experience research.

What is the future of brand research?

The future of brand research lies in leveraging emerging technologies and focusing more on customer-centricity. Brands will likely use more sophisticated data analysis techniques, utilize AI and predictive analytics, and place a greater emphasis on understanding the individual customer journey. Furthermore, new research techniques, such as neuromarketing and ethnographic research, are expected to gain more popularity.

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