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Attention Check Questions
Attention Check Questions

Attention Check Questions
– Guide with Examples

Enhance the reliability of your surveys and research with this comprehensive guide, offering valuable insights and practical examples of attention check questions.

Attention check questions are designed to ensure the participants’ attentiveness and to filter out unreliable or careless responses. This guide offers valuable insights into the purpose of attention checks, their types, and the principles behind crafting effective questions. Additionally, you will find a range of examples that demonstrate how attention check questions can be used to enhance data quality and validity of different types of online surveys. Prepare to master the art of attention check questions and optimize your research endeavors.

What are Attention Check Questions?

Attention check questions (ACQs), are used in surveys to assess whether respondents are paying attention and engaging with the questions. These questions are typically straightforward but contain specific instructions that determine if the respondent is fully engaged. For example, an attention check question may ask the respondent to select a specific answer choice to demonstrate their attention.

By using attention check questions, researchers can ensure that they are collecting high-quality data and omitting responses from inattentive respondents. Attention check questions can come in various forms, such as trap questions, attention filter questions, and questions with reverse wording. Using attention check questions in market research can improve data quality and allow for more informed decision-making based on the results.

Attention Check Questions shortly explained – by resonio (02:30)

Benefits of Attention Check Questions

The implementation of attention check questions provides a host of benefits, including enhanced data quality, improved respondent engagement, and better research outcomes. This article delves into the numerous advantages of using attention check questions.

  1. Ensuring Data Quality – Primarily, attention check questions act as a gatekeeper of data quality. They aid in distinguishing between respondents who are genuinely engaged and those who are answering questions haphazardly or dishonestly. By identifying inattentive participants, these questions help ensure that the data collected is reliable and accurate. This is particularly significant in large-scale surveys or online research where the researcher cannot directly monitor the respondent’s engagement.
  2. Reducing Survey Bias – These questions can help reduce various forms of survey bias. For example, straight-lining or pattern answering — where a respondent selects the same response option throughout the survey — is a common issue in survey research. By incorporating ACQs at random points, researchers can detect such behavior and control for its effects, thereby minimizing bias and enhancing the study’s validity.
  3. Improving Respondent Engagement – Attention check questions can make surveys more engaging. Trick questions, silly questions, or unrelated questions can break the monotony of a survey, keeping respondents alert and attentive. As a result, respondents are more likely to read and comprehend each question fully, leading to more thoughtful and accurate responses.
  4. Facilitating Data Analysis – The use of attention check questions can streamline data analysis. By filtering out the responses of inattentive participants early in the data cleaning process, researchers can save time and resources. This improved efficiency makes the data analysis phase more straightforward and less prone to errors or misinterpretations.
  5. Enhancing Research Credibility – Attention check questions can also enhance the credibility of market research surveys. By demonstrating that measures were taken to ensure respondent attentiveness, researchers can confidently argue for the validity of their findings. This can be particularly valuable in academic research, where robust data collection methods are critical for publication and peer review.
  6. Informing Survey Design – Lastly, questions can provide valuable feedback on the survey design itself. For instance, if a large proportion of respondents fail a certain attention check, it might indicate that the question is confusing or misleading. Alternatively, it could suggest that the survey is too long, causing respondents to lose interest or focus. Thus, these questions can help researchers refine their survey design for future studies.
  7. Promoting Honesty – Attention check questions can encourage honesty among respondents. When respondents are aware that ACQs are interspersed within the survey, they are more likely to provide truthful responses to all questions. This awareness can deter them from speeding through the survey or providing dishonest responses, enhancing the overall integrity of the data collected.
  8. Enhancing Respondent Self-awareness – These questions can heighten respondents’ self-awareness regarding their attention and engagement levels. For instance, self-report questions that ask respondents to rate their attentiveness can make them more mindful of their focus, potentially prompting them to pay more attention to subsequent questions.

Maximize Attention with Effective Check Questions in Your Surveys!

Attention Check Questions are crucial to truly engage the participants in your surveys. resonio offers a powerful market research tool that allows you to create effective check questions for gaining valuable insights. Utilize resonio to optimize your surveys and maximize the attention of your target audience.

Read more about the Market Research Tool

Types of Attention Check Questions With Examples

To appreciate their full potential, it is essential to understand the various types of attention check questions and how they operate. This article will delve into the different types of attention check questions, providing examples for a comprehensive understanding.

  • Instructional Manipulation Checks (IMCs)
    IMCs are designed to verify if respondents are thoroughly reading and following the instructions. They are typically inserted in a seemingly regular question or statement but contain instructions within them. A classic example of an IMC is:
    “For this question, please ignore the options below and select ‘Somewhat agree’.”
    If the respondent doesn’t follow the instruction and chooses a different option, it suggests they are not paying sufficient attention.
  • Trick Questions
    Another common form of attention check is the trick question. These questions may seem simple at face value, but require careful reading to answer correctly. For instance, a question might ask:
    “Which of the following is a fruit? A) Cow, B) Elephant, C) Chair, D) Banana.”
    An inattentive respondent might hastily pick an option without properly reading, leading to incorrect answers.
  • Reversed or Negatively Worded Items
    Reversed or negatively worded items are questions that are phrased differently from the rest of the survey, requiring respondents to pay attention to the question’s direction. For instance, in a survey where most items are positively framed (e.g., “I enjoy reading books”), a reversed item could be:
    “I do not enjoy outdoor activities.”
    Respondents who overlook the negative phrasing might answer inaccurately.
  • Red Herring Questions
    Red herring questions are designed to catch respondents off guard by asking about an irrelevant or nonexistent factor. For instance, a survey about television viewing habits might ask:
    “How often do you watch ‘Fictional Show’ that doesn’t exist?”.
    Respondents who claim to watch the nonexistent show are likely not paying attention.
  • Instructed Response Items (IRIs)
    Instructed Response Items are similar to IMCs in that they ask respondents to provide a specific response. However, instead of being embedded in a seemingly ordinary question, IRIs are standalone instructions. For example:
    “Please select ‘Strongly disagree’ for this question.”
    Failure to comply with the instruction is indicative of a lack of attention.
  • Repetition of Questions
    Repetition of questions with slight modifications can also serve as an effective attention check. For example, a survey might initially ask:
    “Do you own a car?” Later, it might ask: “You said you own a car, what is its color?”
    If the respondent had earlier stated they do not own a car but provide a color in the second question, it signifies inattention.
  • Silly Questions
    Silly questions can serve as effective attention checks, as they ask something so obvious that an inattentive respondent might answer incorrectly. For example,
    “What color is the sky on a clear day?” or “How many fingers does a human usually have?”
    These questions can be sprinkled throughout the survey to keep respondents on their toes.
  • Attention Check Question Example
  • Unrelated Questions
    Unrelated questions are another excellent way to check for attention. These questions are unrelated to the topic of the survey and are designed to catch respondents off-guard. For example, in a survey about dietary habits, an unrelated question might be:
    “What is the capital of Australia?”
    The unrelatedness of the question to the survey might cause inattentive respondents to answer incorrectly.
  • Consistency Check Questions
    Consistency check questions are designed to ensure the consistency of responses throughout the survey. These are similar questions asked at different points in the survey, and the responses should ideally match. For example, you could ask
    “Do you smoke?” at the beginning of the survey and “How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?” towards the end.
    A respondent who answered “No” to the first question but provides a number for the second one is likely not paying attention.

When to Use Attention Checks

At the onset of the survey, attention checks can set the tone for the level of attention required from respondents. An early attention check questions can signal to respondents that they need to read each question carefully, potentially increasing their attentiveness throughout the survey. It can also serve as an early filter, allowing researchers to identify and potentially exclude inattentive respondents from the onset.

These questions are also helpful when introduced intermittently throughout the survey, especially in longer surveys where respondent fatigue may become a concern. By periodically checking the respondent’s attention, researchers can ensure that data quality is maintained throughout the survey. This is particularly important in surveys that collect data on sensitive or complex topics, where comprehension and attentiveness are crucial.

Quick Tips for Writing Good Attention Check Questions

Crafting effective attention check questions necessitates a keen understanding of survey design and respondent behavior. Here are seven practical tips to help you design effective attention check questions.

  1. Clarity is Key – The primary goal of an attention checks is to gauge attention, not to trick respondents. Questions should be clear, concise, and free from ambiguity. Avoid complex language, jargon, or double negatives that could confuse respondents. For instance, a well-phrased ACQ could be: “Please select ‘Strongly agree’ for this question to show you’re paying attention.” It’s direct, easily understandable, and leaves no room for misinterpretation.
  2. Use a Variety of Questions – To prevent predictability, it’s advisable to use a mix of different question types throughout your survey. Instructional manipulation checks, trick questions, red herring questions, and reversed items are among the numerous types you can employ. Each type has its strengths and is suitable for different contexts, so using a combination can enhance your attention checks’ overall effectiveness.
  3. Position Questions Strategically – Where you place your attention check questions within the survey can significantly influence their effectiveness. Placing an attention check early in the survey can set the tone for attentiveness. Intermittent questions can maintain respondent engagement, especially in lengthy surveys. Finally, an attention check question toward the end of the survey can help identify respondents who might have lost interest or focus over time.
  4. Keep Attention Check Questions Relevant – While this question type should stand out enough to check attention, they shouldn’t be too far removed from the survey’s context. Strive to make your questions relevant to the survey topic, so they don’t disrupt the flow or confuse respondents.
  5. Avoid Overuse – While attention check questions are crucial, overuse can be counterproductive, potentially frustrating respondents or making them feel tested. Aim for a balanced approach, where the number and placement of ACQs maintain data quality without negatively impacting the respondent’s survey-taking experience.
  6. Be Mindful of Cultural Differences – If your survey is aimed at an international audience, be mindful of cultural differences when creating attention check questions. Humor, idioms, and references that work well in one culture might not translate well in another, leading to confusion.
  7. Test Your Questions – Before launching any type of online survey, test your questions on a small group to ensure they work as intended. This can help identify any issues or misunderstandings and allow you to adjust your questions accordingly.


In conclusion, Attention Check Questions serve as powerful tools in the realm of research and data analysis, offering numerous benefits such as improved data quality, enhanced respondent engagement, and increased research credibility. However, their effective implementation demands careful crafting, strategic placement, and a keen understanding of the target respondents.

While the advantages of questions are significant, it’s equally important to acknowledge the potential drawbacks associated with their use. These include the risk of respondent frustration or offence, potential bias, and increased survey length, among others. Therefore, the judicious use of attention checks, balanced with a comprehensive understanding of their potential pitfalls, is paramount for any researcher or survey designer.

Learn about further Online Survey Question Types

FAQ on Attention Check Questions

Why are attention check questions used?

Attention check questions are used to maintain data quality and ensure the validity of the results. By including these questions, researchers can identify participants who may not be fully engaged or who are providing random or careless responses. Removing or flagging such participants helps to improve the overall quality and reliability of the data collected.

How are attention check questions different from regular questions?

Attention check questions are distinct from regular questions because their purpose is not to gather substantive information or measure participants' opinions or attitudes. Instead, they are specifically designed to assess attentiveness. Attention check questions often have obvious or easily detectable correct answers, making them easy to differentiate from other questions in the survey or assessment.

What do attention check questions look like?

Attention check questions can take various forms depending on the context and purpose of the study. They may involve simple tasks like asking respondents to select a specific response option, identify a picture, solve a basic math problem, or follow an instruction. The key characteristic of attention check questions is that they have clear and unambiguous correct answers.

What are the benefits of using attention filter questions?

Attention check questions offer several benefits. They help improve the quality of survey data by identifying and excluding unattentive or disengaged respondents. They can also discourage respondents from providing dishonest or random responses, thereby enhancing the reliability and validity of the survey data. Additionally, they can serve as a useful tool for maintaining respondent engagement, particularly in lengthy surveys.

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