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How to Write Good Survey Questions

Writing good survey questions is essential to gather reliable data and make informed decisions. This can be a challenging task, especially for those who lack experience in survey design. However, with the right tools and knowledge, anyone can create a successful survey that produces valuable insights.

That’s why we have created a guide that will provide you with tips on how to write clear, specific, unbiased, and relevant survey questions. Additionally, it includes good survey question examples that yield accurate and actionable insights whether you’re conducting market research, evaluating customer satisfaction, or collecting feedback.

Why are good survey questions important?

  1. Better understand their customers
    Surveys provide a way for businesses to understand their customers on a deeper level. By asking specific questions, businesses can gain insights into what motivates their customers, what they value, and what they look for in products and services. This information can then be used to tailor marketing messages and product offerings to better meet the needs and desires of customers.
  2. Identify areas for improvement
    Good survey questions can be used to identify areas for improvement within a business. By asking questions about specific products or services, businesses can identify areas where they may be falling short in terms of quality or customer satisfaction. This information can then be used to make improvements to existing offerings, or to develop new products or services that better meet the needs of customers.
  3. Staying competitive
    In a competitive marketplace, it’s important for businesses to stay up-to-date on the needs and desires of their customers. Effective survey questions can provide businesses with valuable data that can be used to stay ahead of the competition. By gathering information about what customers want and need, businesses can develop new products and services that are more likely to resonate with customers and can use this information to differentiate themselves from competitors.
  4. Improve customer satisfaction
    Good survey questions can be used for gathering feedback from customers which can be used by businesses to identify areas where they may be falling short in terms of customer satisfaction.
  5. Make data-driven decisions
    Surveys provide businesses with valuable data that can be used to make informed and precise decisions. By analyzing survey results, businesses can identify trends and patterns in customer behavior and preferences, and use this information to inform product development, marketing strategy, and other important business decisions.
  6. Improve marketing
    Good surveys provide the basis for developing or adapting marketing strategies. For example, new insights can be gained on the basis of customer feedback to better adapt existing marketing campaigns to customers’ needs.
  7. Identify new opportunities
    Asking the right survey questions can also be used to identify new opportunities for growth and expansion. Gathering information about customer needs and desires allows businesses to identify gaps in the market that they can fill with new products or services.

Understanding the basics

To create an effective survey, it’s important to understand the basics of survey questions. This includes knowledge of the different survey question types, such as open-ended, closed-ended, and scaled questions. Additionally, careful consideration should be given to the design of survey questions, such as avoiding leading or biased questions, using clear and concise language, and ensuring that questions are relevant to the survey’s purpose.

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General tips for writing good and effective survey questions

Designing good and effective survey questions is essential for obtaining reliable and accurate data. Here are some general tips to keep in mind when writing survey questions:

Tips for writing good Online Survey questions
  1. Keep it clear and concise
    Use direct, simple and plain language that is easy to understand. Avoid complex sentence structures and technical jargon. Make sure the question is short enough to read and comprehend quickly.
  2. Use appropriate language and tone
    Use language and a tone that is appropriate for your audience. Make sure the language is appropriate for the subject matter, and avoid using overly formal or casual language.
  3. Use appropriate question formats
    Choose a question format that is appropriate for the type of information you are trying to collect. Closed-ended questions (such as multiple choice questions or Likert scale questions) are useful for collecting quantitative data, while open-ended questions are better for collecting qualitative data.
  4. Avoid common mistakes
    To ensure accurate data and valuable insights, it is crucial to avoid mistakes when writing good survey questions. By following best practices such as defining the research question, choosing appropriate question types, pilot testing the survey, and ensuring confidentiality and anonymity, researchers can create effective survey questions that yield valuable insights.

By following these general tips, you can ensure that your survey questions are clear, unbiased, and effective in collecting the information you need. Remember to pilot test your survey questions before sending out the survey to ensure that they are well-received and understood by your target audience.

How to write good survey questions step by step

Writing effective questions is an important aspect of creating a successful survey. This will ensure you get reliable and accurate data. Below are some steps to follow when writing survey questions:

  1. Define the research question
    The first step in creating a successful survey is to define the research question which will help you determine what information you need to collect and how to structure your questions. It aligns with the purpose of the survey and the target audience. Once you have a clear research question, you can move on to the next step.
  2. Determine the type of question
    There are different types of survey questions, including closed-ended, open-ended, Likert scale, and rating scale questions. Each type of question is used to collect different types of data. Closed-ended questions are used to collect quantitative data, while open-ended questions are used to collect qualitative data. Likert scale questions are used to measure attitudes and opinions, and rating scale questions are used to rate or rank items. Consider the type of data you need to collect and choose the appropriate question type.
  3. Write the question
    When writing survey questions, it’s essential to keep the questions short and simple to avoid confusion or misunderstandings. Use straightforward language and avoid using technical jargon or complex terminology that the target audience might not understand. The questions should be relevant to the research question and the purpose of the survey.
  4. Include response options
    If you are asking closed-ended questions, provide response options that are relevant to the question. Use mutually exclusive and exhaustive response options to ensure that each respondent can select an appropriate response. The response options should cover all possible answers and not overlap with other response options. Use a balanced scale, such as a five-point scale, to avoid skewing the results.
  5. Consider the order of questions
    Arrange the questions in a logical order, starting with general questions and moving toward more specific questions. This will help respondents feel more comfortable and engaged with the survey. Start with easy, non-threatening questions and progress to more sensitive or personal ones. Consider the flow of the survey and how the questions are related to each other.
  6. Keep the survey short and concise
    Respondents are more likely to complete the survey if it is short and concise. Avoid asking too many questions or questions that are not relevant to the research question. Consider using skip logic or branching to customize the survey experience for each respondent and reduce the number of questions asked.
  7. Consider the language and tone
    Use clear and concise language that is easy to understand. Avoid using technical jargon or complex terminology that the target audience might not understand. Use a tone that is appropriate for the target audience and aligns with the purpose of the survey. The tone should be professional and respectful.
  8. Use visual aids
    Incorporate visual aids such as images, diagrams, or charts to help respondents understand complex questions or concepts. This can also make the survey more engaging and interesting for respondents.
  9. Ensure confidentiality and anonymity
    Assure respondents that their responses will remain confidential and anonymous to encourage honest and truthful answers. Provide a privacy statement at the beginning of the survey that explains how the data will be used and who will have access to it. Assure respondents that their answers will not be linked to their personal information.
  10. Analyze the results
    Once the survey is complete, analyze the results to gain insights into the research question. Use the data to inform decision-making, improve products or services, or advance research objectives. Make sure to analyze the data in a way that is appropriate for the research question and the type of data collected.

Survey question examples

To make sure that your survey questions are effective, it can be helpful to use examples of well-crafted survey questions as a guide. These examples can help you understand the different types of questions, how to structure them, and how to avoid common pitfalls. By using examples of effective survey questions, you can improve the quality of your survey and increase the accuracy of the data you collect.

  1. Examples of demographic questions:

    What is your age?
    What is your gender?
    What is your highest level of education completed?

  2. Examples of closed-ended questions:

    Have you purchased our product in the last 6 months? (yes/no)
    On a scale of 1-5, how satisfied are you with our customer service?
    Which of the following best describes your current employment status? (full-time, part-time, unemployed, student, retired)

  3. Examples of open-ended questions:

    What are your thoughts on our new product?
    How can we improve our customer service?
    Please describe your experience with our company.

  4. Examples of Likert scale questions:

    I am satisfied with the quality of our product:
    Strongly agree/Agree/Neutral/Disagree/Strongly disagree
    How likely are you to recommend our company to a friend?:
    Very likely/Somewhat likely/Neither likely nor unlikely/Somewhat unlikely/Very unlikely

  5. Examples of rating scale questions:

    On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to purchase our product again?
    On a scale of 1-5, how important is customer service to you when making a purchase?
    On a scale of 1-7, how easy was it to navigate our website?

7 tips for good survey questions – by Elon University Poll (04m:01s)

Avoiding Mistakes in writing survey questions

Writing survey questions can be a challenging task, and even experienced researchers can make mistakes. Poorly written survey questions can lead to inaccurate data and misleading results, ultimately wasting time and resources. To avoid these mistakes, it is essential to understand the common pitfalls in writing survey questions. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

  1. Leading Questions
    Leading questions are those that are worded in a way that prompts the respondent to give a specific answer. These questions can bias the results and invalidate the survey. Survey questions should be written in a neutral tone and avoid words or phrases that could influence the respondent’s answer.
  2. Ambiguity
    Ambiguous survey questions can lead to confusion among respondents and ultimately to inaccurate results. Questions should be clear and straightforward, avoiding vague language or double negatives.
  3. Lengthy Questions
    Long and complicated questions can be overwhelming for respondents and result in incomplete or inaccurate data. Questions should be short and to the point, with clear and concise language.
  4. Lack of Specificity
    Questions should be specific and targeted, focusing on one idea or topic at a time. Lack of specificity can lead to vague and unhelpful data.
  5. Confusing Layout
    The layout of the survey can also impact the accuracy of the results. The questions should be arranged in a logical order, with clear headings and instructions.
  6. Avoid assumptions
    It’s essential to avoid making assumptions about the respondent’s knowledge or experience. For example, “How often do you use our product?” assumes that the respondent is already using the product. Instead, ask, “Have you used our product before?”

Conclusion of writing good survey questions

In conclusion, writing good survey questions is essential to obtain reliable and meaningful data. To ensure that the survey objectives are met, the questions should be relevant, easy to understand, unbiased, and organized logically. Additionally, avoiding common mistakes such as ambiguity, assumptions or confusing layouts can improve the accuracy of the results. By following best practices and investing time and effort in writing high-quality surveys, researchers and organizations can gain valuable insights that can inform decision-making and help achieve their goals.

FAQ on writing good survey questions

What is the purpose of survey questions?

The purpose of survey questions is to collect data from respondents. Good survey questions help to elicit accurate and reliable responses that can be used to gain insights into a particular topic or issue.

What is a leading question?

A leading question suggests a particular answer or is designed to elicit a particular response. For example, 'Dont you agree that our product is the best on the market?' is a leading question because it suggests that the product is the best.

What is a rating scale question?

A rating scale question asks respondents to rate a particular product, service, or experience on a scale from poor to excellent or from 1 to 10.

How do I ensure that my survey questions are unbiased?

To ensure that your survey questions are unbiased, use neutral language that does not suggest a particular response, avoid loaded words or phrases, and provide clear and consistent response options.

How do I know if my survey questions are effective?

To know if your survey questions are effective, pilot test the survey with a small group of respondents and use their feedback to refine the questions as needed. Additionally, analyze the survey results to determine if the questions are providing the desired insights.

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Hajrudin Krdzic


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Whether designing intricate skyscrapers or delving deep into search algorithms, Hajrudin effortlessly bridges the world of architectural elegance with the ever-evolving realm of technology. Merging an architect's precision with a flair for tech, SEO, and content creation, he shapes the physical and digital worlds with equal passion.